We now offer tutoring!
We support over 30 school districts between Indiana and Illinois. COVID has caused quite a few struggles. There are significant gaps in instruction for a lot of our students based on remote learning not being conducive to their learning style.

In order to help bridge the gap, or help students get ahead, we are offering tutoring at our clinic!
Tutoring helps support foundational skill development, critical thinking and logic, real-world problem solving, which in turn creates success in school and life!

Our tutoring support is a bit different. When a student comes to us, they are given a research based assessment in area(s) of concern. Progress is monitored and students are re-assessed following completion of tutoring support to assess growth. This helps to ensure targeted support is successful!
As the late Michael Jackson stated, I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way! Help give them the tools needed to be successful.